Keeping Your Large Dog Happy When The Kids Go Back To School

As the summer winds down and the kids head back to school, your large dog may suddenly find their days feeling a bit lonelier and less lively. Without the constant companionship and playtime with the kids, it’s important to ensure your dog remains happy, entertained, and stimulated. Here are some effective strategies to keep your furry friend content during the school months.

1. Establish a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, so try to maintain a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. This predictability helps reduce anxiety and keeps them engaged throughout the day.

2. Morning Exercise

Start the day with a brisk walk or a game of fetch. This not only provides physical exercise but also helps burn off excess energy, making your dog more relaxed while you’re away.

3. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Invest in a variety of interactive toys and puzzle feeders. These toys challenge your dog’s mind and can keep them occupied for hours. Look for durable options that can withstand the enthusiasm of a large dog.

4. Training Sessions

Use the extra time in the morning or evening for short training sessions. Teaching new tricks or reinforcing old ones provides mental stimulation and strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

5. Create a Safe Space

Ensure your dog has a comfortable and safe space to relax when they are alone. A cozy bed, access to water, and some of their favorite toys can make them feel secure and content.

6. Doggy Daycare

Consider enrolling your dog in a doggy daycare a few days a week. This provides an excellent opportunity for socialization and exercise, and your dog can benefit from the interaction with other dogs and people.

7. Hire a Dog Walker

If your schedule is too hectic, hiring a professional dog walker can be a great solution. A midday walk breaks up the day and gives your dog something to look forward to.

8. Set Up a Playdate

Arrange playdates with other dogs. This social interaction is crucial for your dog’s happiness and helps expend their energy in a positive way.

9. Engage the Senses

Stimulate your dog’s senses with different activities. Scatter treats around the yard for a fun scavenger hunt or introduce new scents with toys or scent work kits.

10. Spend Quality Time

When the kids are back from school, encourage them to spend quality time with the dog. Even a few minutes of dedicated play or cuddle time can make a significant difference.

11. Enrichment Activities

Incorporate enrichment activities into your dog’s routine. Try DIY agility courses, hide-and-seek games, or even teaching them to help with simple chores like picking up toys.

12. Monitor Health and Wellness

Regular vet check-ups are crucial, but also pay attention to your dog’s overall well-being. Ensure they are getting a balanced diet, and monitor their weight, coat condition, and general behaviour for any changes.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your large dog adjust to the quieter days and maintain their happiness and well-being. Remember, a stimulated dog is a happy dog, and with a little effort, you can ensure they thrive even when the kids are away at school.

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